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Friday, May 29, 2009

Why Saying "Good Luck!" Gives You, Well. Good Luck!

Every day since Ben moved in, I've been telling him "Good Luck!" before he leaves for school.Every time I do, Ben tells me that he's afraid somone is going to try to kill him. So far, he's been attacked by a goose, cut off on the way to McDonald's, and other stuff. I can't list them all. Don't tell him, but I hired a kid in my class whose dad is a goose breeder to let the angry goose out in the middle of the road in front of him. Just kidding, heh heh heh..........
So, annyway, this one day Ben had a test. I didn't tell him "good luck" to prove that saying good luck gives you good luck.He hasn't told me his grade yet so.....
Speaking of good luck, I've been on a search at school. I looking for four leafed clovers! :)! So far, no luck. :(! However I found out that some clovers can grow up to the height of my waist. True! I had been looking partly for a ball, partly for a four leafed clover. Suddenly my friend called out "The school really needs too mow this grass! Look how high it is!"
Do you know how when you say something then are reminded of something else? That's what's happened to me!
Speaking of grass, have you seen a flower that looks like this description? It has lots of yellow petals that are shaped like rectangles, with fuzzy stems. If you know what this flower is e-mail me at
Thank you, and Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you go from discussing one topic to a completely different topic lol. I found a 4-leaf clover once, but then 1 of the stupid day-care kids took it from me and ate it :-(. Good luck finding one!!


Thanks for you comments! They are always appreciated! And I've always kinda wondered if anyone was acutally reading this! Now, I know!