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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

2 Weeks

It's been a full 2 weeks that I've moved into my new home. I'm loving it here. The only downside is that it's almost the end of the month and I still haven't found another job. At the end of the month, my parents stop giving me money for groceries. I'll be totally on my own earning money for food. Looks like I won't be able to save up for a car or new bike anytime soon. Ah well, at least I have the people who care about me around before I leave for school and when I get home.

This morning was pretty entertaining for me. First, I read on FaceBook that my friends had taken the quiz I had created: "How well do you know Ben Manning?". No one has gotten over 50% yet! I enjoyed reading the comments that people left after taking the quiz. After I got off of FaceBook, I said good-bye to Taylor as she left for school, then went down to my room and put on my soccer ball mask. I crept into the kids' room and woke Jordan up first. I shook her by the shoulder until she opened her eyes. When she saw me wearing the mask her eyes popped wide open and her jaw dropped. She was speechless! It was so funny. She yelled at me for scaring her. Next, I did the same thing to Bailey on the top bunk. She screamed and yelled at me too, but it was all extremely funny... to me anyways. I apologized to both, and Jordan forgave me. Bailey did, eventually, too.

I wish I had more time at home now, to hang out with the kids. Instead, I am pretty much booked solid tutoring, coaching and reffing soccer, and working as a Tech Teen at the Palmer Public Library. And I have to get around to all this on my bike! Taylor and I like to go for walks around the lake; Jordan makes up math problems for me to solve; Bailey likes to sit and watch movies with me; And Madison, well, he likes to irritate me. Rarely ever listening, eating my food without asking (today), touching my stuff. But hey, he's a little kid and I love them all.

Well, it's getting late (10:47pm) and I gotta get some sleep before tomorrow's 5am run with Mrs. C. around the lake. Then hopefully between school ending and soccer practice starting, I can drop by some local businesses and apply for jobs there again. Wish me luck (Jordan ;-) )!


  1. And I was thinking you'd be wanting to move out any day now because the kids were bugging you! LOL

  2. Nah, nothing here is worse than where I came from :-P


Thanks for you comments! They are always appreciated! And I've always kinda wondered if anyone was acutally reading this! Now, I know!