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Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Good Luck!"

I've fallen into a new routine each morning at my new home. Back when I lived with my parents, I would wake at 4am, put in my contacts, change into my gym clothes and make toast with peanut butter for breakfast. Then I'd bike down to the gym for a 5am-6am workout. Now that I'm farther away from the gym, I just go for a run at 5am around the lake. Sometimes Mrs Cousineau joins me, sometimes she doesn't. After we get back, I hop in the shower while Mrs Cousineau wakes up Taylor. Tay heads out at 6:35am, and then I go and wake up the rest of the rugrats. If I'm not running late, sometimes I'll make them breakfast (only if it's cold cereal with milk or something else really easy ;-)). Then I finish getting ready for school and head out the door somewhere from 7:10am-7:20am.

Here's where the "Good Luck" title comes in. As I'm ready to head out the door, the kids all give me a hug and tell me "bye," "have a good day," etc.. Jordan, is different. Instead of saying "have a good day," she says "Good luck!"

Every time she's told me "good luck," something unfortunate happens to me either on my way to school or at some point during the day. With my record on the road (riding my bike, cars trying to hit me), when Jordan says good luck I tell her that now I'm afraid I'm going to get hit by a car or something, because I think Jordan has paid someone to run me off the road/take me out.

Yesterday was the most memorable, so far. I left at 7:15am and had to turn around to go back for my lunch, so I was already running a little late. I was flying down the street on my way to school, and at the same time I was holding my mp3 player, searching for a song I wanted to listen to. (Eyes off road and on mp3 player while biking is just as bad as talking on a cell while driving! :-P). I look up and the first thing I see is a large bird walking back and forth right in front of me. I was like "CRAP! A FRIGGIN DUCK!!" I slammed on my brakes with the 1 hand I had still on the handlebars but they didn't work because they brakepads and rims were wet, and I need new brakepads. So I swerved out into the middle of the street and around the crazy animal. As I went around it, it spread its wings and started yelling at me. I guess I really pissed it off! Lol. Everyone at school thought it was really funny when I told them a duck tried to kill me this morning. Though I don't know what kind of bird it was. I said duck because that's the first thing that came to mind when I saw it, but everyone here thinks it was a Canadian goose. Either way, the crazy bird tried to kill me and I put the blame on Jordan for jinxing me ;-).

Now, while riding my bike, I've been attacked by a duck/goose, a rabid racoon, a squirrel, and a turkey. What's next, huh Jordan? :-P

1 comment:

Thanks for you comments! They are always appreciated! And I've always kinda wondered if anyone was acutally reading this! Now, I know!