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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Twice in Two Days!

Yesterday I was riding my bike to school, as I do every morning. I was coming down the street and all of a sudden the Pathfinder Regional #2 bus pulls up next to me, begins to pass me, and then almost cuts me off. They pushed me right up against the curb and we both slammed on our brakes. As soon as I saw them slow down more than I did, I sped up a bit to the indent off the road where I waited for an opportunity to cross the street, and the bus drove passed me.

Today, in the exact same spot, a red car almost took me out! The driver looked directly at me and then flew out of his driveway. Instead of staying in the middle of his lane, he hugged the white line. He was right next to me and if I stuck my left hand out I could've touched the car with a bent arm. This pushed me up onto the curb and I almost crashed my bike. I slowed down a little bit and let him completely pass me, and then crossed the street.

Once again, both events happened right after Jordan told me "Good Luck!" Coincidence?I don't know... Maybe she and her mom weren't joking when they say they pay people to try and take me out =-O. Ah well... Somehow, I was in a really good mood all day yesterday and today. I think it has something to do with the books I'm reading, it being the end of the year, and talking to my little sis, Tay. Talking to her always seems to brighten my day. Heck, just being around any of the kids seems to brighten my day (even if they are paying people to try assasinate me)!

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