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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dance Recital

Bailey's Dance Recital is today. I won't have any pictures of the actual event because they don't allow any photography during the show. So the pictures I post will be pre-recital photo's. Which is good because her make up will be intact.

I'm thinking of changing dance schools. The teacher won't let parents watch unless they are volunteers. All her volunteers are people who have been with the studio a long time, so the new mom's like me aren't even asked to help out. And then what I wanted to get a picture during dress rehersal I was told I had to leave. I'm not liking the way they are so restricted. They used to not allow the parents to watch the day to day practices! Thankfully, they changed that rule. Probably too many complaints.

Maybe I'm too cautious, but I don't think so. I'm much more relaxed than some people I know. I think a parent should be allowed to stay with their child in any situation. Especially in cases where there are many people, going in and out, who are not known by the parent.

On another note: I got a Tetnas (sp?) and Whooping Cough booster yesturday and my arm feels like I was in a bar fight and go the butt kicked out of it. At first it didn't bother me, then I started to get a shooting pain down to my fingers. The it became very sore, even to brush against or to move a little was agony. Then I noticed a short while later that I kept getting headaches. I went to a friends birthday party- more on that later- and there I noticed my shoulder muscle was as hard as a rock. So now I knew why the headaches.

I'm not hurting as bad today, I'd say the pain has decreased by about 50%. I can't lift my arm above my head, or even level to my shoulder, without major pain. I'd say I can lift it about 8" from my waist before it's too painful to continue. Getting showered and dressed today was sure fun.

Zana's 40th. Even though Zana's birthday was a while ago, we had a sleepover for her last night. It was alot of fun. I stayed over just until 3:30am because I had to be home for the recital. I got to sleep at 5am and got up at 9:30am to get ready to go.

Pictures will be posted after the recital.


  1. You should change to Dance Inn Studio. It's MUCH better! I'm going back for acrobatics probably in the fall...

  2. Hey, Mommy! Maybe she should stop going to dance and you teach her yourself. Cheaper. :)


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