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Monday, June 22, 2009

7th Grade Step-Up

They don't call it graduation, they call it Step-Up. It's just semantics. Taylor graduated from the middle school and will be attending high school in the fall. She is bouncing back and forth with the idea of home schooling. She wants to be home schooled but doesn't want to leave her friends to their fates.

The 8th grade kids are supposed to be completely separted from the 9th thru 12th graders, but that's not reality, no matter what the school tries to tell you. I asked the kids who attend the school and they are the ones who say tell me the truth of the matter.

An 8th grader got drunk during school hours. She fell down the stairs and was injured. The school's statement was that she had an allergic reaction. I guess that is what you call an allergy to being drunk?

I hate the idea of my kids going to public school and can't afford and don't want to send them to private school.
My father-in-law hates the idea of home schooling. He said to me that I need to trust in my parenting and send them to school. Last time I had advice from J's family about something I had a bad feeling about I almost didn't get married. (Bachelor party mayhem- on my birthday AND I wasn't even told Happy Birthday by the groom.) So I'm not inclined to listen to advice from J's family.

Bailey is dead set in being homeschooled. I've had two of her teachers tell me that they don't have the time to check on her, to be sure she is doing her work and able to do her work. Though they tested her for any possible disabilities and found nothing, she still struggles and they have no "time" to help those kids who need extra help. I'm not willing to sacrafice her education because they don't want to take the time to help her.

Part of the reason that teachers don't have "time" to help kids in their classes is because the new school administration puts normal kids in the same classes as kids with problems as well as kids with disabilities. So the teachers bounce between the kids with disabilities giving them extra help and the kids who have behavioral problem (because their parents are drugs addicts), they have no time to help kids who need 5 minutes more of explaination.

Also the new math program they have is idiotic. The kids get sent home a math page which they were never taught. During school they review what the kids did for homework the previous night. Then they are sent home a homework page that they have never seen before and have no idea how to do. I asked the teachers about it and they said that there is nothing they can do, it's the ciriculumn. I told them I don't care what the ciriculumn is, I want my kids educated and this ciriculumn isn't doing it. They repeated there was nothing they could or would do.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Taylor! Don't you just love being a parent and all the decision that you have to make in behalf of your children. AAAA. Good luck with it, it's one I struggle with every year.


Thanks for you comments! They are always appreciated! And I've always kinda wondered if anyone was acutally reading this! Now, I know!