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Friday, June 26, 2009

Bubbles 2.0

We have a small addition to our family. His name is Bubbles 2.0. Jordan came home from school on almost the last day, she was begging to be entered into a drawing for the class pet. The class pet would come with everything thing we need and it wouldn't be a trouble at all. Yeah, right! So even though I KNEW we were going to end up with the fish, I let her enter. Jason agreed to it as well and he had the feeling we'd end up with Bubbles too. So she comes off the bus with this beta fish tank, water sloshing everywhere! I get it home and take a look. It is the saddest fish I have ever seen. It was covered in milky white stuff, it's water was pink from over feeding, and it had no tail fin to swim. I knew it would not be long be for Bubbles past away. Jordan tried her best for almost a week to keep him going. Nothing could be done to save him. I went to the store and bought some water conditioner and a new fish. That is why the name is Bubbles 2.0. Jordan can tell the kids at school that Bubbles is doing well without anyone being upset.

Bubbles 2.0's official name is Bubbles Alexander Fish, or B. A. Fish. Say it out loud. You got it? For those who are a little slow today, Be a Fish. Moving on. Taylor insisted on B. A. Fish, I insisted on Bubbles 2.0, and so he has both names. He's a fish, what does he care?

Fish Suicide:

I found these aquatic plants that are "guarenteed" to grow in 20 days or less. So being a buck I bought them. One absorbed all the water and sunk, the other floated away for days. So I finally buried it. It came back up! So I buried it again. The second time I was putting the lid back on and Bubbles 2.0 jumped right out of the tank!

The tank it set on top of a book shelf against a wall with a baseboard heat grill. So there is about 3 inches of room. All I could think of is how in other parts of the house the grill is slightly pulled away from the wall and how if Bubbles got back behind that, there would be no way to get him out!

Jason and I moved the book shelf and he went to scoop Bubbles 2.0 back up, but before he could, Bubbles flipped into the container that J was using. And back into the tank he goes. But now we ahve to put everything back into position before we move the tank back onto the book shelf. So while J does that I watch the fish, because he starts trying to jump out again! Suicide fish!

We are settled back in and the lid is tightly on top. He's a fiesty little thing.

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Thanks for you comments! They are always appreciated! And I've always kinda wondered if anyone was acutally reading this! Now, I know!