Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Adventure NEVER Ends!
It's fixed now. And Hopefully this won't be an issue again.
Except for the dishwasher valve, which he couldn't tell if it was leaking or not.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Adventures in Plumbing Part Deux
The copper pipe that was troubling us so much had to be cut out. The shut off valve for the hot water wasn't shutting the line completely and so we had to shut off the water to the whole house. We tried to just heat the line and pull off the broken valve, but it would not budge. Just too much water in the line. It took a few tries to get the new converter valve to work, but we got it. Now we were safe to flush the toilet!
Working with the CPVC was 100 times easier and we are thinking of converting the entire house to PEX, which is like hoses. And it's great for everything except 90degree angles. There was no soldering, so no burning of J's hands, legs or face. What took us days to do with copper took us one hour with CPVC.
Not everything was rosey. You can see the the spiget is not centered, but off to the left. And the on/off handle is backwards. That's something that will be able to be fixed, but after a few days we are ready for a break!
Here you can see the cold water pipe in copper and the hot water pipe in CPVC. When we were all done we cleaned up the bottom of the cabinet. But at least it is done. Almost. The pressure seal is not working too well with the dishwasher pipe. We are going to have to work on that later.
Saturday, J and Taylor, are going to Sturbridge Village to clean up some brush. It's the Stake YM/YW Service Project. Tay doesn't want to go but she'll have to deal with it. I have a friend coming over to the house to help me clean some stuff up. I'm debating between the bathroom and the bedrooms. I think it's gonna be Madison's room. Some reorganization will help make the room more functional. And taking out the 55 gallon bag of give-away clothing will help make the space work better.
Bubbles 2.0
We have a small addition to our family. His name is Bubbles 2.0. Jordan came home from school on almost the last day, she was begging to be entered into a drawing for the class pet. The class pet would come with everything thing we need and it wouldn't be a trouble at all. Yeah, right! So even though I KNEW we were going to end up with the fish, I let her enter. Jason agreed to it as well and he had the feeling we'd end up with Bubbles too. So she comes off the bus with this beta fish tank, water sloshing everywhere! I get it home and take a look. It is the saddest fish I have ever seen. It was covered in milky white stuff, it's water was pink from over feeding, and it had no tail fin to swim. I knew it would not be long be for Bubbles past away. Jordan tried her best for almost a week to keep him going. Nothing could be done to save him. I went to the store and bought some water conditioner and a new fish. That is why the name is Bubbles 2.0. Jordan can tell the kids at school that Bubbles is doing well without anyone being upset.
Bubbles 2.0's official name is Bubbles Alexander Fish, or B. A. Fish. Say it out loud. You got it? For those who are a little slow today, Be a Fish. Moving on. Taylor insisted on B. A. Fish, I insisted on Bubbles 2.0, and so he has both names. He's a fish, what does he care?
Fish Suicide:
I found these aquatic plants that are "guarenteed" to grow in 20 days or less. So being a buck I bought them. One absorbed all the water and sunk, the other floated away for days. So I finally buried it. It came back up! So I buried it again. The second time I was putting the lid back on and Bubbles 2.0 jumped right out of the tank!
The tank it set on top of a book shelf against a wall with a baseboard heat grill. So there is about 3 inches of room. All I could think of is how in other parts of the house the grill is slightly pulled away from the wall and how if Bubbles got back behind that, there would be no way to get him out!
Jason and I moved the book shelf and he went to scoop Bubbles 2.0 back up, but before he could, Bubbles flipped into the container that J was using. And back into the tank he goes. But now we ahve to put everything back into position before we move the tank back onto the book shelf. So while J does that I watch the fish, because he starts trying to jump out again! Suicide fish!
We are settled back in and the lid is tightly on top. He's a fiesty little thing.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Adventures in Plumbing
Wednesday night at 9pm I turn the water on, at the kitchen faucet, and water goes everywhere. So I shut the water off and we run off to Lowes. We get to Lowes a few minutes before they close. We grab what we think we need and run home to start fixing the pipes. After a few hours J gives up for the night too tired and being interrupted by work.
He stayed up all night working then this morning after his conference call he started up again on the pipes.
After using a hacksaw to get the old faucet off we tried to put the new one in for a dry fit. It didn't fit. We have a 6" on center sink and the standard today is 8" on center. So off J goes back to Lowes to get new parts.
Yeah, the new one fits. Sorta. The center hole is rusty and the other two holes are very small, so the new fiture that we bought doesn't fit, exactly. So we are going to have the handle, for the hot and cold, in the center hole, which is the largest hole, and the water spout off to the side. But I'll have a soap dispencer, which is a new feature for me and water sprayer, which I had before and am happy I'm keeping!
So J and I run down stairs are redoing the old pipes. No problems. Until we get upstairs.
Upstairs we have a joint that makes a straight with a 90degree angle to feed the dishwasher. All goes well except the bottom seal. It just won't take the solder. We try add more solder a few times thinking that it's just the inability to get in the small space, but that just makes the whole thing messy, and doesn't fix the leak.
So J used to torch to heat it up and pull off the joint to clean it up and try again. It won't come off. It's 5:30pm and J is exhausted and still intends to go to work tonight! So he went to bed. I'm add more later when it's all done and add some pictures as well.
Does everything have to go wrong?
So adding to my list of 10 MAJOR things going wrong this year.
1. Boiler Blew up (October '08)
2. Roof (April '09)
7. Washer repair (May '09)
8. Faucet exploded (June '09)
Hopefully this list will stop at 10, and we'll be done for a year at least!
Monday, June 22, 2009
7th Grade Step-Up
Bailey is dead set in being homeschooled. I've had two of her teachers tell me that they don't have the time to check on her, to be sure she is doing her work and able to do her work. Though they tested her for any possible disabilities and found nothing, she still struggles and they have no "time" to help those kids who need extra help. I'm not willing to sacrafice her education because they don't want to take the time to help her.
Part of the reason that teachers don't have "time" to help kids in their classes is because the new school administration puts normal kids in the same classes as kids with problems as well as kids with disabilities. So the teachers bounce between the kids with disabilities giving them extra help and the kids who have behavioral problem (because their parents are drugs addicts), they have no time to help kids who need 5 minutes more of explaination.
Also the new math program they have is idiotic. The kids get sent home a math page which they were never taught. During school they review what the kids did for homework the previous night. Then they are sent home a homework page that they have never seen before and have no idea how to do. I asked the teachers about it and they said that there is nothing they can do, it's the ciriculumn. I told them I don't care what the ciriculumn is, I want my kids educated and this ciriculumn isn't doing it. They repeated there was nothing they could or would do.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Eraser Poem
Eraser Poem
Eraser Poe
Eraser Po
Eraser P
See, all you have to do is take away one letter until you get nothing. It's a nice poem, but I can't remember who wrote it. Well, I probabaly won't, but if I remember I'll edit in who. See you!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
My Wishlist
1. Stationary
2. My own room
3. Desk
4. Cellphone
5. Laptop
6. Bookcases
7. Princess Dress-Up (Yeah, I know. I'm a little old for dress-up. But I don't mean Disney Princess Dress-up. Real Princess dress-up)
8. Proof of Fantasy stuff
9. A puppy.
10. A kitten
11. Picnic set
12. Real Mini Fridge
13. Time Machine
14. Calender
15. Bluetooth
That's all I got so Far. I'll edit when I think of more!
Muzics Left!
On Thursday, June 18, they left for Texas. They are probably still in Virgina, says Daddy. I'm really sad that they moved. My BFFLHAE (Best Friend For Life, Heaven, And Eternity), moved to Texas! Forever! :(!
Now who am I going to play with when I want to get away from my siblings and play with someone? The people who bought the house haven't moved in yet. I don't think anyone even BOUGHT the house yet.
Dance Recital
I'm thinking of changing dance schools. The teacher won't let parents watch unless they are volunteers. All her volunteers are people who have been with the studio a long time, so the new mom's like me aren't even asked to help out. And then what I wanted to get a picture during dress rehersal I was told I had to leave. I'm not liking the way they are so restricted. They used to not allow the parents to watch the day to day practices! Thankfully, they changed that rule. Probably too many complaints.
Maybe I'm too cautious, but I don't think so. I'm much more relaxed than some people I know. I think a parent should be allowed to stay with their child in any situation. Especially in cases where there are many people, going in and out, who are not known by the parent.
On another note: I got a Tetnas (sp?) and Whooping Cough booster yesturday and my arm feels like I was in a bar fight and go the butt kicked out of it. At first it didn't bother me, then I started to get a shooting pain down to my fingers. The it became very sore, even to brush against or to move a little was agony. Then I noticed a short while later that I kept getting headaches. I went to a friends birthday party- more on that later- and there I noticed my shoulder muscle was as hard as a rock. So now I knew why the headaches.
I'm not hurting as bad today, I'd say the pain has decreased by about 50%. I can't lift my arm above my head, or even level to my shoulder, without major pain. I'd say I can lift it about 8" from my waist before it's too painful to continue. Getting showered and dressed today was sure fun.
Zana's 40th. Even though Zana's birthday was a while ago, we had a sleepover for her last night. It was alot of fun. I stayed over just until 3:30am because I had to be home for the recital. I got to sleep at 5am and got up at 9:30am to get ready to go.
Pictures will be posted after the recital.
Monday, June 15, 2009
2 Days @ Boys State
I arrived at Stone Hill College on June 13, around 11:37am. At sign-ins, Chris and I found out that we were split up and probable wouldn't see eachother all week. I soon made some friends, and am now having a great time. I'm a member of T-1 (Town-1). In my town, I've been elected to the town planning board, and today I became, I think it's something like Park & Rec. Commissioner. I didn't plan on running for ANYTHING when I first got here, but since I've been having a good time so far, I figured "What the heck. I may as well make the most of my time here." I'm not running for anything big, but one of my roommates was elected Moderator and is running for Attorney General? I think that's what it is but I don't remember... I'll come back later and edit it if I'm wrong. He's really into this law/government stuff. It's pretty cool. He's a soccer player too!
Each district has a sports team. I, District D, play for the Red Team. You can participate in any of the sports you want during Rec. Period, or you don't have to play at all. You just have to be out of the dorms. I played in the first game of the soccer tourney yesterday and we beat the Green Team (Chris's team) 4-3! I had a GREAT time!! I love playing soccer here! Sometimes we just play friendly pick-up games, and some of the kids are really good, but I like the challenge going up against them. There's no pressure at all. Everyone here is supportive of eachother, and are actively involved back home, even more than I was!
The meals the serve are awesome too! We can eat as much as we want, and it's all delicious and FREE!!! The two plates per meal I get here, one half of one plate is a full meal for me back home. I'm really going to miss it here when the week is over. And to think I had absolutely no interest in coming here in the first place! Wow!
I'll post some more later in the week, letting you know how it is over here in Easton, MA, at Stone Hill College. I'm really missing my little siblings, but I'll see you guys Friday! If you ever wanna chat, send an email to my cell and I'll respond as soon as I have a chance! Well, I have to get going... Rec. Period is ending now and dinner is in an hour and a half! Peace!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Twice in Two Days!
Today, in the exact same spot, a red car almost took me out! The driver looked directly at me and then flew out of his driveway. Instead of staying in the middle of his lane, he hugged the white line. He was right next to me and if I stuck my left hand out I could've touched the car with a bent arm. This pushed me up onto the curb and I almost crashed my bike. I slowed down a little bit and let him completely pass me, and then crossed the street.
Once again, both events happened right after Jordan told me "Good Luck!" Coincidence?I don't know... Maybe she and her mom weren't joking when they say they pay people to try and take me out =-O. Ah well... Somehow, I was in a really good mood all day yesterday and today. I think it has something to do with the books I'm reading, it being the end of the year, and talking to my little sis, Tay. Talking to her always seems to brighten my day. Heck, just being around any of the kids seems to brighten my day (even if they are paying people to try assasinate me)!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Oh! Look, a Squirrel!

After about an hour or so it finally had the strength to run up a tree.
Oh, and Happy Gradutation Kayla! (We were at a party for Kayla's gradutation, and it was caught in her fence.)