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Monday, August 30, 2010

Melissa and Luke's Wedding

Newport, RI.  Castle Hill Inn & Resort.
It was a beautiful place.  The only problem was that poor Luke has the sun in his eyes!  And it was stinking hot for those who had to sit in the front because they had no shade.  But over all it was a wonderful wedding and it was the most entertaining wedding I'd been at for a long time.  In fact, it was at Luke's brother's wedding that I was also entertained!  I liked that fact that each portion was short and to the point.  I was able to pay attention and my ADD didn't get the best of my me.  Which is rare.  And I could tell before we even arrived that the wedding would be difficult to pay attention to.  It was perfect though!  Very well thought out!  A new tradition that I had never heard of before: They took two colors of sand and poured them together, signifying how they went from two separates into one whole that can not be separated. I really liked the symbolism and the story/poem that went with it.

I had hoped I'd get better pictures, but this hill was giving me all sorts of trouble.  As well as a few other things like trees and bushes.  But that's ok.  Being able to take pictures was just a bonus for me.  The wedding was so much more interesting than the scenery!

I think I will try to plan my kids receptions like the one they had.

1 comment:

Thanks for you comments! They are always appreciated! And I've always kinda wondered if anyone was acutally reading this! Now, I know!