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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Madison's Baptism

I forgot again!  I posted about Salem and was just reviewing my previous posts, debating on where I should fix the errors or just leave them, (I left them) when I read that I was supposed to blog about Madison's baptism.  I think I mentioned something about getting on in years in another blog post.

Here he is.  My little man.  He and his perpetual squint in his left eye.  That's a squint of trouble.  Kinda like when you see someone with an eye patch you know they are a pirate, so watch your treasure chest.  When you see a cute kid with an eye squint you know to watch out, you don't know what he'll do!

Actually, Madison is a sweet and caring little boy.  He loves his family very much.  A friend was telling me about a time when his sister was upset and crying and he was stoking her arm and hand and talking sweetly to her trying to calm her down and make her feel better.  What a sweetie!

At night Madison likes to cuddle so much that fairly often you will wake up with him on top of you.  So far no one has died, but I have dreamed of being strangled many times from him laying his arm, leg, or entire body across my neck and chest.

Madison was very happy to be Baptized.  He was very excited for weeks for when he got to have Ben Baptize him.  He also was looking forward to seeing his Meme and Pepe as well as Grandma and Grandpa who came all the way out from California to witness this momentous day for Madison.

The Bishop talked to Madison before he was Baptized and asked Madison what he knew about the Ten Commandments.  Madison jumped up and showed him a cute routine that the Primary has taught him.  It incorporates hand motions that relate to the commandment.  For example: Show number 1 and then say "only one God." and I don't know if that is even correct, but he has it down.  You can ask him, he'll show it to you. Or if your kids are in Primary and they haven't shown you yet, you can ask them.  Anyway, my point was, the Bishop was very impressed with Madison's knowledge and eagerness to be Baptized.

Jonas gave a talk that was very well thought out and touched hearts.
The Sister Missionaries talked a little but and my mother talked as well.

Over all, it turned out great.

An idea I had to help show our appreciation for those who came and still allow us to get out quickly was this: I made gift bags, just brown paper bags, I added a three cookies and then stapled the bag closed.  I had the kids hand out the bags and water or juice.  Everyone seemed to appreciate the snack, especially those with little kids, the kids were probably starving!  And I'm sure the adults were too.  I made 60 bags, thinking that I'd rather have too many than too few.  We had exactly the right amount.  Ben and I were the only ones to not have bags at the Baptism, so when we got home we went to see what was left and there were two bags.  Yeah!


  1. He is very cute. And looks seriously like he did when I left there, in 2003. Just a bit taller.

  2. Other than being really tired, he does look the same. He has grown into his head! We still tease him by calling him "Sputnik" but he understands it's funny and not mean. Thankfully, he has his father's sense of humor!


Thanks for you comments! They are always appreciated! And I've always kinda wondered if anyone was acutally reading this! Now, I know!