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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Getting on in years...

I'm 35-ish.  -ish because I will be before the end of the year, but I'm not there yet.

I have been thinking for a few months now about my mind.  And the mind of my husband.  Not that we are insane, but we aren't totally like everyone else.  So possibly not totally sane either?

We don't think the way other's do.  When I'm at the mall, I have two things go through my head.  Either, "Let's get the heck outta here!"  Or "Look, toys!"  I hate clothes shopping, grocery shopping, shoe shopping and all that adult stuff.  It's depressing.

I also find that when I'm at adult meetings I get bored quickly and my mind wanders.  After some meetings I feel that I wasted my time because I couldn't keep my mind on the subject being discussed.  And I've wasted the teachers time by being distracted.  That's part of the reason I'm hesitant to go to Time Out For Women.  I'm going to pay all that money and just be bored or distracted.

I have spoken to other women about my age, give or take, and they don't have these same issues.  And then again, a few do...I'm not naming names, just in case.

I don't relate to adults very well.  I usually put my foot in my mouth because I'm blunt and to the point with little reservations.  Except with kids, I know I have to keep my thoughts to myself.

I noticed this for the first time while at girls camp.  I don't want to give the wrong impression, every person I met was fantastic and wonderful!  The other leaders were so sweet!  I loved spending time with them.  All ten minutes of it!  Because I spent most, no, ALL my free time with the girls.  If not my second years, then it was the third years or the YCL's.  I did try to talk to the other adults, but I just faded in and out and got bored quickly.  I'm not even sure what they talked about.

About a month after girls camp Taylor tells me that I'm not like other mom's.  Jordan pipes in and agree's.  They say I'm a "Cool Mom."  I don't want to be my kids best friend or anything, I don't want them to think they can go out and get drunk and call me and I'll be just peachy with it.  But I kinda like that we can talk openly with out feeling uncomfortable.  I am on the fence of whether the Cool Mom label is a compliment or a doormat label.

So at 35 should I have to think like an adult?  Should I be relating more to those my age?  Or is it okay to enjoy the company of my kids and their friends?  Do I have to start thinking more about how the neighbors think than how much fun I'm having with the kids?
Is that really how adults think? (Bills, keeping up with the Jones', who's got the smartest kid, etc) I hope not.  Cause you can't make me!

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