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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Weight Watchers

I did it. And I'm not ashamed to admit it. I joined weight watchers. I have noticed that my eating habits are very different than what I thought they were, and definately different from where they were 2 years ago when I was loosing weight.

I'm going to try the on-line version. So, no boring meetings, no sitting through people discussing ow much booze they can get away with and stay on track. I'm more of a hide my thigh isses from the world type. We can all see what my problem is, let's not discuss it more. I prefer to pretend that it's not so. And that's what got me into this mess!

So I hope to take a picture of my starting self. But good luck on that!


  1. of course we are reading this. It is legal stalking isn't it??? Good luck!

  2. I love the new photo on your header! So cute.


Thanks for you comments! They are always appreciated! And I've always kinda wondered if anyone was acutally reading this! Now, I know!