Whenever we have gone on vacation we have never had a moment of, "Well, what do you want to do now?" I always have ideas and plans and directions to get there! And I always plan for unintended stops. You know those times where you are on your way and you see something really cool that you want to do, but you are unsure whether you are going to have time? Well, I plan for those. We always end up early enough to stop at a cave, or touristy spot. I think these things should be planned into everyone's trip. Kids can last only so long before they need a break, and a break is good fro the adults too.
When traveling by car we try to leave very early in the morning. It's still dark outside when the tuck the kids into the car. They stay away for a little while, but then fall asleep and the interruption keeps them sleeping a little bit longer than normal. That way we can make our breakfast stop at 8am or 9am instead of 6am or 7am. And that makes it so the kids won't become cranky with hunger 2 hours later. You can plan for only one snack between lunch instead of two.
I recommend the first stop be at lunch time, eat breakfast in the car, as much as you can. Breakfast isn't the time to get the kids up and going. You want them to stay groggy as long as possible, so keep them in those car seats! By lunch time, I found that the kids would have lost their minds if they didn't get some exercise. Here is when we planned an "unplanned" stop. We drove until we found something interesting. Highways always have signs for their local attractions. Some of the things we have stopped at are caves, road-side stands, theme parks, and mining shop. Our favorite is definitely caves.
Caves are great because they are not only educational, but they get the kids moving! Usually the cost is low and after lunch the kids can take a walk through the caves, which vary in length, but we have found that most tours last about one hour. That's a good walk for little ones. Don't be tempted to bring the stroller! The more exercise the longer the kids will handle the second stretch of your car ride!
We have a rule, as a husband and wife. We won't go anywhere if we aren't going to spend twice the time it takes to get there. For example: It takes one hour to get to a friends house, and one hour for the return trip. We won't go unless we expect to spend four hours there. Got to make the trip worth the effort and gas you are putting into it. For the most part this is a good rule to follow with vacations as well. Who would want to spend only a day at Disney anyway.
Flying is a fast way to get to your destination, but I would prefer to drive in many situations. Just because of the fact that you can get out and walk around. The people in the plane don't appreciate you getting up and walking around with your children. Especially, if your getting up because of a dirty diaper or a case of the wiggles and screams. Driving does take more patience, but it can also be a lot of fun if you keep a positive attitude and make stops long enough to wear those kids out!
A great website for world travel with kids, or state-side travel, or just local travel is Trekaroo. Other parents who love to travel with their children rate places and means of travel, plus give advice and idea's for traveling with kids.
These are some places I have been thinking about since the snow started. Hawaii- Thank you Josh and Janel for putting those thoughts in my head. *wink* Florida, not necessarily Disney, and a desert mmmmm...warm!