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Monday, July 20, 2009

Girls Camp

I'm writing on Ben's computer, so hopefully I won't be posting as him.

Girls camp was great. We had a blast! Thankfully, we were no longer in tents! This year we had cabins. They no longer have the adults stay with the girls in the cabins, so the YCL's stayed with them. Not being done with their serenading until almost 11pm, then getting myself ready for bed, I rarely got to bed before 1am. Then I had to be up by 6am to get ready to get the girls up at 7am.

It was exhausting, but I made it. The camp is built on a hill so I had to walk up and down the hills all day long. I felt fine and had to take it slow on the steep hills, but other wise I was doing great! I gave piggy back rides, swam and kayaked. I went on a hike (even if it wasn't much of a hike). And never once was I so sore that I couldn't function.

It took two days to recover from camp. And then I went dancing.
Our neighbor had a party and she rented out a VFW, had it catered and a DJ, and it was great fun. But then I hurt myself. My shins are KILLING me. I'm taking a few more days off and have recieved a blessing. Stairs kill and so does certain angles. Even though I lost 5lbs at girls camp I am still too heavy to be putting pressure on possibly fractured legs.

I have awesome pictures, but I forgot my camera at Ben's Baptism. So I'm going to go get it tomorrow. And I can then down load the pictures on to the computer. Also, while I was at camp my power cord to my computer broke. So now I have to get that too. So maybe pictures as soon as I have a new power cord.

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