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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Something wrong! And Birthday Par-Tay!

There is something wrong with my camera. Insert very sad face here Taylor turned it off while I was uploading images to the computer.  Now it won't work!  So no pictures at the moment.
EDIT: I got it working!  Prays are answered!

Taylor's Birthday cake!  Poor cake, My hands were hot the oven was heating the house up and the frosting was on the only available counter space which was next to the dishwasher which was letting off steam! It's amazing it turned out so good!  And it was really tastey too!

Taylor had her 15th b-day party.  Some of the girls she wanted to invite she couldn't get a hold of.  All this technology and still we have trouble get in touch with people!  Those who came had a great time.  They bounced on the trampoline, we sang camp songs around a bonfire, ate S'mores and pizza and more.  Taylor got WONDERFUL gifts!  She got an Owl City necklace, an owl blanket (handmade!), an Invader Zim shirt and game boy games, and MONEY!  She asked for clothes, so I just gave her cash.  It's easier for her to try on clothes and find what she likes on her own or with friends.  The problem with gift certificates is that you are stuck at that one store.  And if you don't find anything modest or that has the right fit for your body then you are stuck with a gift card you can't use.

Those Crazy Kids!

Bridget, Taylor, Melany and Kara

The very next day Jordan got the rest of her birthday gift.  Jason and I took her and Shannon, her BFF(Best Friend Forever), to the Anime Boston Convention.  She and Shannon loved it!  They got their pictures taken with other's who were dressed as the same characters.  Plus, I got to take many, many pictures!  Jason wasn't really excited, he's not an anime person.  But he put up with it because the girls LOVED it!  Jordan paid an artist to do a Chibi of her.  It's a mini-me, a squat cartoon picture in the pose you want.  The artist takes a picture of you with her celphone and then draws and inks you picture.  If my camera were working you'd see how cute the Chibi turned out!

You can see Jordan's likeness in the image she has drawn

Unlike another girl Jordan posed with, this girl is dressed as Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket.  Same as Jordan, but Jordan's skirt is longer!  And we didn't have the right shoes.  You can kinda see that she had knee high black socks on.

We were tired and had to wait for Jordan's Chibi

This is Jordan's artist, the best at the show in my humble opinion

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Thanks for you comments! They are always appreciated! And I've always kinda wondered if anyone was acutally reading this! Now, I know!